Version: June 5th, 2001

Team selection sub-group:
Timo Klimoff, OH1NOA
Ari Korhonen, OH1EH

Selection advisers:
Martti Laine, OH2BH
Rusty Epps, W6OAT
Tine Brajnik, S50A

We will have four different kind of teams in WRTC2002:

a) national teams, selected by IARU national radio organizations or contest clubs
b) continental and sub-continetal pre-allocated teams + USA wild cards selected by the organizer from the list of individual applicants
c) USA teams, selected by the organizer from the list of USA Contest Clubs
d) Special teams

The aim is to have the best possible selection of teams regardless of where team is living. However, this selection criteria is strongly based on how different countries succeed in WRTC 1990, 1996 & 2000. Also we have added some geographical aspect to the wild card selection process.

The WRTC-2002 organization is planning their site capacity to 50 stations but the actual number of invited teams is subject to number of applications and the track records of applicants

General rules

a) National teams

National teams must be selected in a way that both competitors are either citizens or permanent residents of the particular country.

b) Continental and sub-continental pre-allocated teams and USA wild cards

Teams have the both competitors from the particular country (citizens or permanent residents). These teams are selected by the organizer from the list of teams who have sent their application to the organizer before the published deadlines. The organizer may send encouraging letters directly to the contesters to encourage them to make an application. This will help to get the best possible selection of candidates. "Open application form" for these teams is attached.
Team applications will be ranked based on a formula called "CCF Rating" (description: see but however this formula is only used as a tool for the organizational committee for the selection process. The most important selection criterias are the success in the recent CQWW, CQ WPX and IARU contests plus the success in the past WRTC competitions but as the scores can not be the only way to compare the applicants, the final decision will be made by the organizational committee.

Teams by continent

Europe *** max. 25 teams

2 teams per country are assigned to Germany and Russia (incl. UA,UA2)

1 team per country are assigned to Spain (incl. EA, EA8, EA9), Italy (incl. I, IS, IG, IT, IH), United Kingdom (incl. G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW), France (incl. F, TK), Finland (incl. OH, OH0, OJ), Belgium, Czech Republic, Sweden, Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary and Yugoslavia.

Max. 2 sub-continental pre-allocated teams are assigned to "West Europe" (the citizens or permanent residents of Andorra, Portugal, Germany, Spain, Irish Republic, France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Vatican, Italy, Luxembourg, Austria, Belgium, The Netherlands, Greece, San Marino, Monaco and Malta )

Max. 2 sub-continental pre-allocated teams are assigned to "East Europe" (the citizens or permanent residents of Estonia, Hungary, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Poland, Russia[European side], Ukraine, Byelorussia, Moldova, Latvia, Romania, Yugoslavia, Albania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Hertzegovina, Macedonia and Croatia)

Max. 1 sub-continental pre-allocated team is assigned to "North Europe" (the citizens or permanent residents of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Iceland)

Max. 1 continental pre-allocated team (without the sub-continental pre-allocation) is assigned to Europe

Asia *** max. 5 teams

1 team per country is assigned to Japan and Asiatic Russia

Max. 3 continental pre-allocated teams are assigned to Asia

Oceania *** max. 1 team

Max. 1 continental pre-allocated team is assigned to the citizens (or permanent residents) of Oceanic countries in CQ zones 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 and 32 [excl. KH6]

Africa *** max. 1 team

Max. 1 continental pre-allocated team is assigned to the citizens (or permanent residents) of African countries in CQ zones 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38 and 39 [excl. EA8, EA9]

South America *** max. 2 teams

Max. 2 continental pre-allocated teams are assigned to the citizens (or permanent residents) of South American countries in CQ zones 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13

North America excl. USA *** max. 2 teams

1 team per country is assigned to Canada
Max. 1 sub-continental pre-allocated team is assigned to the citizens (or permanent residents) of North American countries in CQ zones 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 [excl. US citizens]

United States of America *** max. 12 teams

10 teams are selected by the 13 most succesful contest clubs from USA by the following selection process:

i) each club will submit 10 nominees for US team captains - 5 nominees has to live in the "East" part of US (call areas W1, 2, 3, 4, 8 and 9) and 5 candidates has to live in the "West" part of US (call areas W5, 6, 7, 0, KH6 and KL7).
ii) The WRTC2002 Organization will count the votes for each nominee and selects as captains the five operators from "East" and five from "West" that have the most nominations
iii) each team captain will select a team mate (any US citizen allowed) and these will form 10 teams

Max. 2 wild card teams are assigned to the US citizens (or permanent residents)

Special teams *** 2 teams

Defending champions - WRTC2000 winners (N5TJ&K1TO) will qualify outside of common selection process
The Organizer's Wild Card Team - the organizer will select one team outside of this selection criteria. This team can be one of the teams who has made an application or the organizer can invite the team.

to Contest Rules page ...

WRTC - World Radiosport Team Championship in Finland - July 9-16, 2002

© WRTC2002 Org. design: OH1NOA