Is there a pileup competition as a part of WRTC2002?
Pileup competition is not part of the WRTC2002 competition. However, separate pileup competitions may be arranged during the WRTC2002 happening.
Can 2nd op touch the knob of the 2nd receiver of radio A (i.e. for tuning to the frequency of new MULT)?
No - the 2nd op (Operator B) cannot touch radio A.
Can the bandmap of logging software be used during the contest?
Can Operator B load calls/frequencies into the bandmap of PC2, that can then be used by Operator A on PC1?
Can we "move" new multipliers from band to band and are there any restrictions on band/mode changes?
Multipliers can be moved from band to band. There are no restrictions on band/mode changes.
Are split operations, particularly on 40M SSB, allowed?
Split frequency contacts on same band and mode are allowed. The WRTC station must transmit within the sub-bands defined per each band and mode. (e.g. on 40M SSB the WRTC station may transmit on 7060 and listen on 7200.)
WRTC - World Radiosport Team Championship in Finland - July 9-16, 2002
© WRTC2002 Org. design: OH1NOA