Support the Olympics of Amateur Radio and fly free to Finland - the Land of the Midnight Sun
on Scandinavian Airlines - SAS

The World Radiosport Team Championship - WRTC - is a gathering of the world’s best in amateur radio contesting and it will be held July 9-16, 2002 in Helsinki, Finland.

There will be teams from 35 countries, using identical stations and thus competing on a very level playingfield. The overall event will gather some 2,000 people in Finland to celebrate the competition and true friendship enjoyed by all contesters.

WRTC2002 is totally underwritten by the generosity of individual amateur radio operators and by donations from selected corporations.

The Scandinavian Airline System (SAS) is the Official Airline of WRTC2002, and is assisting WRTC competitors with their air travel. In addition, SAS has presented WRTC2002 with two complete tour packages to fly to Helsinki to experience Finland and the entire event as the guest of WRTC2002. These prize packages include round-trip air travel plus a one-week stay (room and meals included) at a first class SAS-Radisson Hotel, as well as access to all WRTC competition events.

The WRTC2002 event is seeking further donations by selling chances to win these two packages. You can buy any number of chances for $ 10 US a piece and each chance will participate the Grand Prize Drawings conducted at the Dayton Hamvention Contest Dinner, Saturday, May 18, 2002 in Dayton, Ohio.

Make your checks payable to NCDXF and be sure to mark on the check For WRTC2002-SAS. Checks must be sent no later than May 10, 2002 and mailed to:

Rusty Epps, W6OAT
651 Handley Trail
Redwood City, CA 94062


you can use the form below and mail it no later than May 10, 2002 address shown above. Please add your card type, number, exp. date, total amount USD and your call sign+signature.

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WRTC - World Radiosport Team Championship in Finland - July 9-16, 2002

© WRTC2002 Org. design: OH1NOA