WRTC2002 On the Road - Friedrichshafen HAM RADIO Convention
(By K7BV)
WRTC2002 was well represented on the HAM RADIO convention in Friedrichshafen in southern Germany June 29th through July 1. Representatives met with hundreds of Contesters and DXers from all over the world to talk about the upcoming competition in Finland in July 1, 2001. Many competitors from the 1990, 1996, and 2000 WRTC events were walking the convention floor and in attendance at the lively nightly Contester Dinners. Their presence added much excitement to the many spirited discussions that took place throughout the weekend.
Organizing Committee members Ari Korhonen, OH1EH (Competitor Correspondence & Int'l Publicity), Timo Klimoff, OH1NOA (Competitor Correspondence & Webmaster), Jari Jussila OH2BU (Events Chairman & Domestic Publicity) as well as USA West Representative Dennis Motschenbacher K7BV were very active in Friedrichshafen gathering financial support for WRTC2002. The WRTC banner was raised in the SRAL and the Rhein Ruhr DX Association booths and at the Contester Forum during the day. At night, it was prominently displayed at a front place of honor at the two heavily attended Contest Dinners.
The dinners proved to be great fund raising opportunities for WRTC2002.The Rhein Ruhr DX Association sponsored the Friday night dinner while the Bavarian Contest Club had the honors for the Saturday festivities. Participants at both gatherings enjoyed delicious meals, excellent Germany beer and wine and hours of loud laugher and warm camaraderie. Meanwhile the WRTC2002 representatives accepted
donations from the generous crowd, ultimately collecting nearly USD 2,000 to add to the operating treasury.
The Organizing Committee would like to thank the following for their particularly generous financial
Russian Contest Club (RA3AUU & RW3QC)
Contest Dinner WRTC2002 Boosters
The WRTC2002 budget is calculated to be USD 200K. The Organizing Committee was able to raise USD 100K before committing to the event. The other USD 100K is being raised through individual donations collected by mail, at contest club meetings and at conventions and other gatherings that are attended by Contesters. With just a year left to go, the committee is working very hard to collect the USD 70,000 still
The Organizing Committee wishes to express its gratitude to the following clubs and individuals for their generous assistance with the fund raising effort at HAM RADIO 2001.
Rhein Ruhr DX Association
- Walter DJ6QT, President RRDXA
Bavarian Contest Club
- Dieter DL8OH, President BCC
- Ben DL6RAI, HAM RADIO 2001Contest Forum Chairman.
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WRTC - World Radiosport Team Championship in Finland - July 9-16, 2002
© WRTC2002 Org. design: OH1NOA