Finland is a modern western country located in the northern part of Europe.
It is 338000 square kilometers with forests and lakes, clean cities, a beautiful countryside
and an abundance of open space and natural settings.
Finland is a stable democracy, and her citizens enjoy a high standard of living.
The form of government is republic, and the Parliament consists of a single chamber of 200 elected members.
Finland lies between Sweden and Russia, and is the link between the East and West--with cultural influences from both areas.
Finland is a member of the European Union.
To request for a free travel brochure, go to (Or in US call 1-800/FIN-INFO)
For additional information, see
The country's population is 5.1 million.
There are two official languages:
Finnish is spoken by 93% of the population and Swedish is the mother tongue for 5.8%.
Communication for foreign visitors is easy, as most Finnish people also speak English.
Finland is the seventh largest country in Europe (after Russia, Ukraine, France, Spain, Sweden and Germany).
There are almost 200000 lakes, 5100 rapids and 180000 islands--with about 100000 of these islands located on the lakes.
About 69% of the country is covered by forest.
A very popular activity in Finland is sauna.
Today, the sauna is known the World over as one of the best forms of relaxation.
While you can now find saunas in almost every country,
they are never quite the same as those in Finland.
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WRTC - World Radiosport Team Championship in Finland - July 9-16, 2002
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